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Thanks for taking a look at my blog…

More than fur and fangs: Exploring the soul-stirring connection between humans and dogs. 

foxy head

I’ve created Socialized Dogs because I have a passion for these wonderful animals and I want to help and share everything I’ve learned across my life of experience caring for dogs.

During that time I’ve raised, watched and studied dogs. The way that our histories and characters are intertwined has left a trace in our lives today and we can continue to learn from them even today. These furry wet nosed beings amaze me!

I love to draw dogs too – You will see my black and white drawings scattered through the blog! Click on the link in the top menu if you’d like your favourite friend immortalized! You can choose from different options for the final print.

I hope you find my blog interesting, and if you’re ever looking for help or you have any questions, please contact

senior unsocialized dogs

Lawrence McDonell