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Canine Epigenetics and Dog Behaviour

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Understanding the Basics of Canine Epigenetics

Epigenetics deals with the  processes that influence gene expression without making any alterations to the DNA sequence.

It can be passed down both by cell division resulting in identical cells (mitotically) and by cell division resulting in sex cells (meiotically).

Researchers have recently created Epic Dog, a reference tool for canine epigenetics.

Essentially, this means your genes aren’t locked into one expression. Instead, other biological factors, not changes in the genetic code itself, decide whether certain genes are turned on or off.

The Dynamic Role of Environmental Factors in Canine Epigenetics

The magic of epigenetics lies in its dynamic nature!

Epigenetic factors behave as mediators between the environment and genes, contributing to “phenotypic plasticity”- a fancy term that just means the ability of an organism to change its phenotype (physical form and behavior) in response to changes in the environment.

Furthermore, the way these factors modify themselves in response to environmental changes can help facilitate adaptive changes in the expression of genes.

In a nutshell, our environment can play a significant role in determining which of our genes are activated and how they behave, offering a new perspective on nature vs. nurture debates.

The Adaptive Role of Epigenetic Modifications

The modifications that occur due to environmental changes are not random.

They’re actually adaptive – these modifications in gene expression due to epigenetic factors can help organisms adjust and adapt to new surroundings.

Imagine you’re training for a marathon in high-altitude regions. Your body would need to make changes to accommodate the lack of oxygen, and it can do that by making modifications to gene expression through epigenetic processes.

While this is a simplified example, it grants us a glimpse of the possibilities that understanding and applying epigenetic principles hold for biology and medicine.

A browsable epigenetic atlas for dogs called EpiC Dog (Epigenome Catalog of the Dog)

What is DNA Methylation and how it affects genes?

DNA methylation, particularly at CpG dinucleotides, is an epigenetic factor commonly occurring in gene promoter regions that can down-regulate or silence genes.

In simpler terms, DNA methylation is like a switch that can turn off certain genes. It usually happens at places called CpG sites.

These sites are areas of the DNA molecule where a cytosine molecule is located right next to a guanine molecule.

When these molecules are methylated, or chemically modified, they can alter gene function, potentially leading to diseases like cancer. This process essentially governs how the genes behave.

Dog is God spelled backward. (Duane Chapman)

The role of Histone Modifications and Non-Coding RNAs

Histone modifications and non-coding RNAs are other key epigenetic factors.

Histones are proteins that help give DNA its structure. These can be chemically modified, and these modifications are a key part of the epigenetic code, influencing how genes behave.

Non-coding RNAs, on the other hand, are types of RNA that do not code for protein but can control gene activity.

Both histone modifications and ncRNAs work together to control the activity of genes, regulating everything from our growth and development to our risk of diseases.

They are like supervisors to the hardworking genes in our body, guiding their functions to ensure everything works smoothly.

How Early Experiences Impact Dogs’ Behaviour

Early experiences in dogs strongly influence their behaviour — an impact believed to be enabled by epigenetic mechanisms.

Just as the field of genetics is concerned with the blueprint of life that exists in every cell’s DNA, epigenetics deals with the changes in organism’s genes due to outside influence.

Hence, (just like with us humans!) the events a dog goes through in early life can significantly mark its behaviour in adulthood.

In essence, experiences are not just stored in memories but also embedded in our genes in a way that can potentially alter behaviour later in life.

Comparatively, a similar phenomenon has been found in mice where low maternal care during infancy leads to higher glucocorticoid levels in adult offspring. Glucocorticoids are a group of steroids secreted in response to stress, so their elevated levels mirrors the stress encountered in early life.

Individual Experiences trasmitted through the generations.

Observations have shown that individual experiences may have transgenerational effects, impacting not just the individual, but its offspring as well.

This has been noted across several species, and again, signifies the role of epigenetic influence. This infers that not just our actions and experiences, but also those of our ancestors might impact us.

The experiences of an individual can trigger modifications in its genes, which can then be passed onto its offspring. This cross-generational influences underscore the significant role of epigenetic mechanisms in transmitting impacts of experiences beyond one’s lifetime, thus affecting future generations.

Therefore, it is not just our genetic code that determines ours traits and behaviours, but also the experiences that we or our previous generations have been exposed to

The Role of Epigenetics in Domestication and Speciation

Epigenetics, which refers to the modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself, plays a noteworthy role in template biological processes such as domestication and speciation. To put it simply, specific factors, like diet, stress, or environmental conditions, could change how certain genes are expressed. These changes can affect different characteristics or phenotypes of an organism. The science of epigenetics has provided insights into various evolutionary processes, and seems to show a correlation between domestication, speciation, and even


Unraveling the Connection between DNA Methylation and Canine Behaviour

Recent research has shown evidence of differential DNA methylation patterns in canines – specifically between different breeds of dogs and between dogs and their wild counterparts, wolves.

In simpler terms, DNA methylation involves adding a methyl group to DNA molecules, which could alter the activity of a DNA segment without changing the sequence.

This suggests it may play a crucial role in breed formation and domestication processes.

Moreover, Cimarelli et al. demonstrated a relationship between certain canine behaviors (in this case, how dogs react to a potential threat) and the methylation of the oxytocin receptor gene, amplifying the scope of impact that this biological process could have on a varied range of responses exhibited by dogs.

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