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Senior Unsocialized Dogs

Although it may seem as if there is no hope, that is not the case! Regardless of why your pup is not as social as they should be, it is still possible to assist them in feeling more secure and relaxed.

ethological approach

What is the Ethological Approach to Dog Training?

Recognizing and understanding dogs’ intrinsic behaviors, such as their pack mentality and need for social interaction, is vital for competence in relating to your dog.

This understanding helps in addressing behaviors like excessive barking or aggression, which may stem from social needs not being met.

When to Take Your Senior Dog to the Vet

Senior dogs require more frequent veterinary visits as compared to their younger counterparts. The question often asked is how often those visits should bew often and when to take your senior dog to the vet.

As a rule of thumb, semi-annual wellness check-ups are recommended for senior dogs. Veterinarians can detect subtle changes and diagnose potential health problems sooner, leading to better outcomes.

Senior Dog Care

As your dog ages, we need to be on the lookout for new signs that need attention:
Senior Dog Care: Age and Physical Changes: Recognizing seniority from 6-8 years, with signs like joint stiffness, mobility issues, reduced energy, and sensory declines.

Decreased Activity and Playfulness: Older dogs often show less interest in active play and may tire more easily during walks or games.

Changes in Weight and Appetite: Fluctuations in weight, either gain or loss, and changes in appetite can be common in senior dogs.

Dinner Time Good

The natural scavenging behaviour of dogs can often lead to them overeating which can lead to obesity. Much like in humans, overeating can have numerous health implications for dogs. It can potentially cause heart problems, diabetes, and joint pain.

Certain breeds of dogs such as Basset Hounds, Dachshunds, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have genetic factors that make them more susceptible to gaining excess weight.

Consequently, large-bodied breeds with thin legs such as Rottweilers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers can suffer from ligament problems due to the increased stress placed on their joints from the extra weight.

Canine Play and Stress, Age and Breed

Delve into the diverse world of dog play behaviors and learn how age, stress, status, and breed influence their play. Discover the contrasts between dog and wolf play, and the factors that shape the frequency and type of play in dogs.

dog training

A Dog Intelligence Test

Understand the cognitive differences between dog breeds, from problem-solving abilities to social cognition and inhibitory control. Learn how breed influences a dog’s memory, logical reasoning, and response to human gestures, shaping their unique behavioral traits.

end-of-life care

End-of-Life Care and Decision Making

End-of-life care for elderly dogs centres around improving the quality of life for them. It aims to provide the aged canines with as much comfort and enjoyment as possible in their twilight years.

In other words, rather than focusing on a cure, the main goal is to alleviate discomfort and stress, making the dog’s remaining time as enjoyable as possible.
