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Dog history

pompei mosaic dog

Limestone Dog from Cyprus, 4th Century BCE

Dogs were buried with their masters as early as 14,000 years ago, and statues of the canines stood guard at crypts. The Chinese have always placed great importance on dogs, the first animals they domesticated. As gifts from heaven, dogs were thought to have sacred blood, so canine blood was essential in oaths and allegiances.

Ivory dog Game piece

Dogs have also played significant roles in various human cultures, often symbolizing loyalty, bravery, and companionship. For example, in ancient Egyptian mythology, the god Anubis was depicted with the head of a jackal and was associated with death and embalming. In Norse mythology, a dog named Garmr guarded the gates of Hel, the realm of the dead. And in Japanese culture, the Akita breed is revered for its loyalty and bravery.

Paul D. McGreevy ,Dana Georgevsky,Johanna Carrasco,Michael Valenzuela,Deborah L. Duffy,James A. Serpell
Dog Behavior Co-Varies with Height, Bodyweight and Skull Shape (2013)

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