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How to Stop Puppy Chewing

Puppy chewing is a common problem that many new puppy owners face. Chewing is a natural behavior for puppies as they explore and learn about the world around them, but it can also cause a lot of damage and frustration for owners.

Chewing can range from innocent play to destructive behavior, and it’s essential for owners wondering how to stop puppy chewing to understand the different stages of chewing development, the underlying causes of destructive chewing.

In this article, we will cover the steps to understand puppy chewing (as it is an aspect of puppy play and growth), how to identify the cause of chewing problems, how to provide appropriate chew toys, how to train and manage the puppy, how to use consistency and positive reinforcement, and how to solve specific chewing problems.

Understanding Puppy Chewing:

Puppies chew as a natural behavior and is a way for them to explore and learn about the world around them.

Chewing helps to relieve pain and discomfort associated with teething, it also helps them to develop strong jaw muscles and teeth.

Puppies also chew as a way to relieve boredom and stress, and as a way to bond with their owners. Understanding these natural behaviors associated with chewing is crucial for solving problems related to chewing.

Puppies go through different stages of chewing during their development. In the early stage of development, puppies are teething and their gums are sore, they are more likely to chew on anything they can get their paws on.

As they get older, puppies start to explore their environment and this is when they start to chew on specific objects.

As they reach adolescence, chewing decreases as they have grown out of the teething phase and have learned what is appropriate to chew.

Normal chewing behavior is when a puppy chews on appropriate objects such as chew toys, while destructive chewing is when a puppy chews on inappropriate objects such as furniture, shoes, or household items.

Understanding the difference between these two types of chewing behavior is important in identifying the cause of destructive chewing and finding a solution for it. By understanding puppy chewing, owners can create a more harmonious relationship with their new puppy and prevent destructive behavior.

What is the Cause of Chewing Problems

Chewing problems can have multiple causes, and it’s essential for owners to identify the specific cause of their puppy’s destructive chewing behavior.

Common causes include teething, boredom, and anxiety.

Teething is a natural process that occurs as puppies lose their baby teeth and grow their adult teeth, during this process puppies are more likely to chew on anything they can get their paws on.

Boredom can also lead to destructive chewing as puppies will chew on things to alleviate their boredom and stress.

Anxiety is another cause of destructive chewing, puppies may chew on things to alleviate the anxiety they are feeling.

A new pup in your house, especially a very young one, will probably sometimes feel anxious, as it has recently separated from its mother. Owners can observe if their puppies are displaying signs of anxiety, such as panting, whining, and hiding. Give the new puppy as much love and gentle affection as it seems to need!

To identify the specific cause of destructive chewing, owners should observe their puppies’ behavior, and take note of when and where the destructive chewing occurs, what their puppy is chewing on, and what was happening before the destructive chewing.

By identifying the cause of destructive chewing, owners can take the necessary steps to solve the problem. For example, if the cause of destructive chewing is teething, providing appropriate chew toys that are specifically designed for teething puppies can help to alleviate the discomfort.

If the cause of destructive chewing is boredom, providing more interactive toys and increasing exercise and playtime can help to alleviate the boredom. If the cause of destructive chewing is anxiety, it is important to identify the source of the anxiety and address it accordingly.

Understanding the cause of destructive chewing is the first step in finding an effective solution.

Here’s some quick tips for stopping pups chewing:

Providing Appropriate Chew Toys:

Providing appropriate chew toys for puppies is the first step for solving chewing problems and promoting healthy chewing behavior. Chew toys can help to alleviate the discomfort associated with teething and provide a safe outlet for puppies to explore and relieve boredom and stress.

Different types of chew toys include rubber toys, nylon toys, and rawhide.

Rubber toys are durable and can help to clean teeth and promote healthy chewing habits. Nylon toys are also durable and can help to satisfy a puppy’s need to chew. Rawhide chews are a natural option and can provide a satisfying chewing experience.

When selecting a chew toy, it’s important to consider the size and strength of the puppy. A larger, more durable toy is suitable for larger breeds, while a smaller, softer toy is more suitable for smaller breeds.

It’s also important to supervise puppies when they are playing with chew toys, to ensure they are not ingesting any small parts.

Training and Management:

Teaching a puppy what is appropriate to chew on and what is not, is an essential part of preventing destructive chewing.

Positive reinforcement training methods can be used to teach a puppy what is appropriate to chew on. For example, when a puppy chews on an appropriate chew toy, owners can reward the behavior with treats and praise. This will help the puppy to understand that this behavior is acceptable. On the other hand, when a puppy chews on something that is not appropriate, owners can redirect the puppy’s attention to an appropriate chew toy and provide a verbal cue such as “no” or “leave it.”

Managing a puppy’s environment is also an important aspect of preventing destructive chewing. Owners should ensure that their puppies do not have access to items that are not appropriate to chew on, such as shoes, furniture, and household items. Providing plenty of interactive toys, chew toys, and puzzle toys can help to keep a puppy occupied and reduce the likelihood of destructive chewing. Setting up a designated play area with appropriate chew toys can also be helpful.

Proper training and management are essential in solving chewing problems and promoting healthy chewing behavior in puppies. By teaching a puppy what is appropriate to chew on and managing their environment, owners can prevent destructive chewing and promote healthy chewing habits.

How to Stop Puppy Chewing – Consistency and Positive Reinforcement

Consistency and positive reinforcement are crucial in solving chewing problems and promoting healthy chewing behavior in puppies. By consistently reinforcing appropriate chewing behavior, puppies will learn to understand what is expected of them and be less likely to engage in destructive chewing.

To use positive reinforcement techniques, when a puppy is observed chewing on an appropriate chew toy, owners should immediately reward the behavior with a small treat, toy or verbal praise. This will help the puppy to understand that this behavior is acceptable and will make them more likely to repeat the behavior in the future.

It’s important to note that rewards should be given immediately after the desired behavior occurs, so the puppy can associate the behavior with the reward. You must try to be aware of the involuntary cues that can be part of your behavior.

Dogs are not abstract thinking creatures, as we humans are.

They respond to your immediate reactions and automatically and unconsciously associate that with their behaviour at that particular instant of time.

Consistency of response by the owner or trainer is one of the most important ingredients for success in training. If you keep this in mind it will help the puppy to understand what is expected of them, and make them more likely to engage in appropriate chewing behavior. 

The tone of your voice is one of the most powerful signals to the puppy. When the puppy is caught chewing on something that is not appropriate, your tone should be firm and clear, but never harsh. 

Say “No” or “leave it” then wait and look at the pup. Stick with the same command on future occasions.

The desired behavior becomes clear to the pup, although of course, depending on the pup, you may need to be more or less patient! Owners can redirect the puppy’s attention to an appropriate chew toy or some other activity.

Solving specific chewing problems in puppies can be challenging, but it’s important to understand the underlying cause.

Try not to lose your temper, or use a harsh tone with the pup, as this will quickly cause them to lose their trust in you which makes future progress much more difficult. 

To make it even more effective, owners can try anti-chew sprays, but it’s important to remember that chewing is a natural behavior for puppies, and it’s the owner’s responsibility to provide the appropriate outlets.

Additionally, owners should be patient and persistent in their efforts to solve the problem.

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