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Socialized Dogs

leaping hound
leaping hound

Socialized Dogs: Exploring the Dog-Human Connection

If you’re here it’s because you one of those real people who have wondered about why our dogs behave they way they do, how we humans behave and how we can get the best out of our shared lives – that’s why we’re Socialized Dogs!

You may have some issues with your dear friend and you want to understand what you can do to improve your lives.

You know that your canine may have sometimes have difficulty understanding what you are trying to communicate, but you know that it is possible to solve the problem.

We dive into the fascinating world of dog behavior and uncover the rich history of canine companionship. Dogs’ socialization, play behavior, the dog-human bond, training, communication, in culture, art and religion, and more: we provide a resource for dog lovers looking for life improvement with their furry companions.

And let’s not forget to appreciate the artistic side of that friendship, its’ the beginning of a deeper understanding 🙂

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